Volume 15, Issue 1 (0-0)                   Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 0, 15(1): 26-36 | Back to browse issues page

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Sh. Najafi Doulatabad ,M.Sc., H.R. Chafarian Shirazi , M.Sc., Z. Mohebi Nobandegani, M.Sc. Study of Dentists Process in Yasooj City Regarding the Observation of Infection Control Principles. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 0; 15 (1) :26-36
URL: http://nmj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1029-en.html
Abstract:   (13945 Views)

Introduction& Objective : Many infection can be transmitted via saliva and blood , their transmission risk in dentistry is considerable.This study is done to determine the dentist’s process of yasouj city  regarding the observation of infection control principles.

Materials & Methods: This research is a descriptive-analytic and cross sectional study which has been carried out on 40 dentists of yasooj city in the year 84-85. Sampling was done as census & the process of all dentists of yasooj city was evaluated by observation method . Data collection was done using one check list and one questionnaire which content validity method was used to determine their validity. To analyze data, descriptive statistics method , T-Test, Chi square test and SPSS was used.

Results: Regarding the observance of infection control principles rate, the maximum percentage of dentists (48%)were in weak class according to researcher´s opinion. The relation between the rate of observance of infection control principles with dentists being native or stranger , age and their working record was measured which only the rate of observance of infection control principles by dentists and their age had statistical significant relation (p=0.049).The average rate of observance of these principles about disease being transferred through blood , breathing  and secretions  was 41.8±36.20 , 70±91.15 and 41.8±36.20  respectively .

Conclusion: The process of dentists in yasooj city regarding the observance of infection control principles in some of cases is acceptable but , lowering of the percentage rate of principles observance in some cases cause the reduction of average rate of their observance in total which it requires to present the necessary educations firstly and then more control is to be used.

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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Nursing
Published: 1999/12/15

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