Volume 15, Issue 2 (12-2007)                   Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2007, 15(2): 5-15 | Back to browse issues page

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F. M. Ghonooti , M.Sc., A. A. Heidari, M.Sc, M. Zandieh, M.Sc., N. Mohammadi, M.Sc. Study of the Effects of Pre – Surgical Preparation on the Recovery Condition of Patients after Abdominal Surgery. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2007; 15 (2) :5-15
URL: http://nmj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1033-en.html
Abstract:   (15392 Views)

Introduction & Objective: Patients, who undergo abdominal surgery, suffer from several side effects. Physical and mental preparation before surgery reduces the amount of risk during the surgical operation. Training plays an important role here. Therefore the present research is conducted to study the effects of pre surgical preparation on the recovery condition of patients after abdominal surgery in Hamadan training hospitals.

Materials & Methods: Data gathering tools check lists, interview and using the control list forms, consisting of three parts. 1- The basic information's. 2–information's related to the activity and movement after the surgery. 3 – The information's related to the pain and visual analog scale, which has been clear with five descriptive words from the painless point to the severest pain point. The numbers of the samples in this research were 196 patients, in two groups of witness and experience of the same groups of age and sex who were selected accidentally.

Results: The results showed that there was no meaningful difference of personal peculiarities between the two groups the trained patients, in the experience group were admitted in the hospital for a shorter time (p<0.001). There was also meaningful difference of time movement in the experience group and the patients of this group started movement and activity sooner than the witness groups (p<0.001). In the other hand the witness groups themselves had asked for the pain relief injections while the other groups had received it as the usual ward medication, the witness group in the first and second 24 hours after the surgery received more pain relief injections (p<0.05). The sever ness of the pain also in the two groups had a meaningful difference (p<0.001), The experiences group had lesser pain while doing activities than the other group.

Conclusion: Findings from this research showed that training before surgery for recovery of patient and reduction of patient's hospitalization period is efficient.

Persian Full-Text [PDF 517 kb]   (2575 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Nursing
Accepted: 2016/04/18 | Published: 2016/04/18

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