Volume 17, Issue 12 (11-2009)                   Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2009, 17(12): 67-77 | Back to browse issues page

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Sh. Jahanian Sadat Mahalehi, M.Sc., S. Ziaei, M.D., A. Kazemnejad, Ph.D.. Relations between the Mother’s Body Mass Index and the Trend of Mother’s Weight Gain with IUGR. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2009; 17 (12) :67-77
URL: http://nmj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1068-en.html
Abstract:   (18091 Views)

Introduction & Objective: There are various definitions of IUGR, on the basis of percentiles, standard deviation, and growth amount. Based of percentiles, IUGR is defined as approximate weight of embryo being less than the ten percentile. The birth weight has a determining effect on the subsequent growth phases and on the death rate of newborns. The embryo or newborns with a higher or lower weight are exposed to the risk of death. The effective factors contributing to the weight change are as follows: Decreased death toll and inabilities associated with it, prevention of the birth of newborns with abnormal weight, pre-natal diagnoses, and early treatment. This study aims at the surveying the relations between the mother’s BMI and the trend of mother’s weight gain with IUGR.

Materials & Methods: This study is the form of lontitudinal. The universe of this study consist of pregnant women referring to the prenatal clinic of Baghiyatollah hospital and Maryam hospital in 2009. 574 pregnant women, totally, between the age of 18 and 35 years were examined, as available. In this study, the following variable were surveyed. The mother’s BMI at early pregnancy, the mother’s weight gain during pregnancy with IUGR. Data analyzed by mean of SPSS, chi-square and the logistic regression model.

Results: 52.9% had a normal BMI, 25.6% had a BMI higher than normal, 9.2% had a BMI lower than normal. 44% had a normal weight again 27.8% had a weight again higher than normal 15.3% had a weight again lower than normal There was a significant relationship among the rate of mother’s weight again during pregnancy with IUGR (P<0.05).

Conclusion: The women whose weight again was lower than normal range, their of IUGR was reported to be higher. Mothers with a high BMI are less likely to suffer from IUGR.


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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Nursing
Accepted: 2016/02/14 | Published: 2016/02/14

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