Introduction & Objective: There is inconsistent evidence which showed deficiency of serum antioxidant E and A in pregnant women may effect on fetal growth. For survey of this matter in Iran, a study was conducted with the aim of related survey of serum antioxidant vitamins E and A in pregnant women of Kashan city with anthropometric factors of neonates in 2008-2009.
Materials & Methods: In a cross sectional- analytical study among pregnant women referred to Naghavi Specialitis and Subspecialitis Polyclinic related to University Kashan University of Medical Sciences, 125 pregnant women of eligible and their neonates were selected. Anthropometric factors of neonates (weight, height and head circumference) and serum concentration of antioxidant Vitamins E and A were measured in pregnant women months 6-9. Then prevalence of antioxidant Vitamins E and A deficiency was reported according to defined cut-off values and also the correlations Vitamins E and A with anthropometric factors of neonates. For data analysis were used from t test and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Results: Infants whose mothers had serum vitamin E concentration of below normal less weight 33.1 g and less height 0.5-cm than normal. Infants whose mothers had serum vitamin A concentration of below normal more weight 26.6 g and less height 0.5-cm than normal.
Conclusion: Findings of this study showed that there were direct relation between weight and height of neonates with serum vitamin E of pregnant women in later trimester and with serum vitamin Aindirect relation.
Type of Study:
Original Research |
Nursing Accepted: 2016/02/14 | Published: 2016/02/14