Introduction & Objective: Low self-control is a fundamental factor for drug abuse among adolescents. Due to the importance ofself-control in preventing high-risk behaviors in adolescents, this study was conducted to examine the relationship between self-control and substanceabuse.
Materials & Methods:Thiscross-sectional study was carried outon arandomsample of650male studentsin Hamadan. Data was collected bywritten questionnaireandself-reporting methodsandit was analyzedusing SPSSsoftware version16.
Results:This study showed that 72 students had history of smoking (11.1%), 22 students had history of drug use (3.4%), and 78 students had intention todrug use (12%). There was a significant relationship between self-control and history of smoking (p=0.001), history of drug use (p=0.012), intention todrug use (p=0.001) and attitude toward drugs (p=0.007).
Conclusions:33.7% of the subjects had over weight and 15.8% obesity. According to Regression model risk factors of over weight & obesity were computer work and using fast-food.Therefore educational planning to promote level of behaviors healthy and lifestyle is recommended.
Type of Study:
Original Research |
Nursing Accepted: 2016/02/14 | Published: 2016/02/14