Volume 20, Issue 2 (8-2012)                   Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2012, 20(2): 58-68 | Back to browse issues page

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R. Amini, M.Sc., N. Mohammadi, M.Sc., A. Omidi, M.Sc., M. Khodaveisi, Ph.D.. The Reasons of Breastfeeding Cessation in Children under One Year Old A Case-Control Study. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2012; 20 (2) :58-68
URL: http://nmj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1115-en.html
Abstract:   (19158 Views)
Introduction & Objective:Breastfeeding is the best method of baby feeding .This study was done to determine the reasons of breastfeeding cessation in children under one year old whose mothers had referred to health care centers in Hamadan.
Materials & Methods: This case- control study was conducted in Hamadan in 2008 on mothers who had children under one year old. 130 mothers who had stopped breastfeeding were in the case group and 149 mothers who had continued breastfeeding were in the control group. Data gathering device was a questionnaire with two parts Data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS 16.
Results:The findings showed that 32.3% and 41.6% of mothers in the case and control group were between 26-30 years old and 28.5% and 35.5% of fathers in the case and control group were between 31-35. 80% and 83.9% of mothers in the case and control group were housekeepers. 54.7% and 51% of fathers in the case and control group were self-employed. In terms of education, 34.6% of mothers and 28.5% of fathers in the case group and 34.2% of mothers and 35.5%of fathers in the control group had high school diploma. This study showed that the distance between home and the mothers’ work place (p=0.04) and inadequacy of milk supply (p< 0.001) are some of the mother-related factors of breastfeeding cessation, while lack of weighting (p=0.03) and being twins (p< 0.001) are among child-related factors. Also from among demographic variables, parents’ education level had a positive relationship with breastfeeding cessation) p= 0.006).
Conclusion:It is needed to provide a supportive environment and to make education programs for inexperienced mothers to help them continue breastfeeding.
Keywords:Breastfeeding / Infant / Health Center / Women
Persian Full-Text [PDF 193 kb]   (5207 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Nursing
Accepted: 2016/02/14 | Published: 2016/02/14

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