Background: Paying attention to mental health as an integral part of improving public health is growing worldwide. Nurses due to their special working conditions need to be more powerful in this field. Due to the positive effects of life skills training, this study was conducted to evaluate the impact of training these skills on nurses' quality of life.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study 64 graduate nurses were randomly selected and then divided into control and case groups, each group contained 32 members. Life skills in 3 fields of self-awareness, communication and stress management were trained to the nurses. Training was done in 14 sessions which were held 3 times a week, every session lasted about 1/5 hours. Data gathering device was SF-36 questionnaire and data was analyzed by SPSS-18.
Results: The findings of this study indicated that life skills training causes significant improvement in the nurses' physical functioning, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, mental health, physical health and ultimately quality of life(p<0.0001). There wasnt seen any significant difference between the case and control groups in the realms of emotional and physical roles, respectively with (p=0.119) and (p=0.666).
Conclusion: Life skills training is effective in improving the quality of life of nurses so it can be considered as a useful measure in this field.
Type of Study:
Original Research |
Nursing Accepted: 2016/02/14 | Published: 2016/02/14