Volume 25, Issue 1 (Spring 2017)                   Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2017, 25(1): 18-23 | Back to browse issues page

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bolbol haghighi N, shayan A, kazemi F, masumi Z. The Effect of Using Birth Ball on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2017; 25 (1) :18-23
URL: http://nmj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1589-en.html
1- , zahramid2001@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (12546 Views)

Introduction: Using exercise with birth ball during labor leads to labor pain relief and
improvement in the labor process, and is a very important non-medication method, looking
into the chemical medications side-effects on mother and fetus, plus being affordable.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of using birth ball on maternal and neonatal
Methods: In this clinical trial, 100 primiparous women, 45-18 years old, were admitted
to Fatemiyeh hospital in 2015, and were randomly divided into two groups of 50 tests and
controls. The data collection instrument was questionnaire. In the duration of labor, the
need for oxytocin, Apgar score after the delivery, and birth weight were compared between
the two groups.
Results: The mean duration of labor was significantly lower in the intervention group
compared with the control group (P < 0.05). The need for oxytocin, Apgar score, birth
weight and mode of delivery were not significantly different between the two groups.
Conclusions: Performing exercise with birth ball during labor can decrease the active
phase of labor, with no harmful consequences on the Apgar score; so, it can be used as a
non-medication treatment to reduce labor pain and the duration of delivery.

Persian Full-Text [PDF 206 kb]   (3863 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Midwifery
Received: 2016/08/8 | Accepted: 2016/10/22 | Published: 2017/02/8

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