Introduction & Objective:The prevalence over weight & obesity increase in the world especially in developing countries. Obesity is a health problem important because of the complications such as coronic diseases. The purpose of study was to prevalence of over weight & obesity and risk factors of women in Hamadancity.
Materials & Methods: In a descriptive-cross sectional study a number of 400 women referred to health clinics selected based on cluster random multistage sampling. Data was gathered thorough questionnaire. Data processing and statistical analysis were performed using SPSS / 16.
Results:The results showed that individual's characteristic, the majority of samples(34.3%) were 26-30 years old. 51.7% of women had under diploma education and house wife
( 85.5%). The majority of husband's education were under diploma and their job is free business acceding to BMI 33.7% of the subjects had over weight and 15.8% obesity. The risk factors were non physical activity, watching TV, eating fast food, respectively.The finding of this research show that there were statistical difference between over weight & obesity with kind of nutrition and methods of cooking and number of pregnancy (P<0.05). Also affective variables of over weight & obesity were computer work (CI 8.881) and using fast-food (CI 3.824) based of Regression model.
Conclusions:33.7% of the subjects had over weight and 15.8% obesity. According to Regression model risk factors of over weight & obesity were computer work and using fast-food.Therefore educational planning to promote level of behaviors healthy and lifestyle is recommended.
Type of Study:
Original Research |
Nursing Accepted: 2016/02/14 | Published: 2016/02/14