Volume 13, Issue 2 (1-2006)                   Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2006, 13(2): 20-30 | Back to browse issues page

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S.R. Borzou, M.Sc., M. Salavati, M.Sc. Relationship Effect of Diet Education with Individuality and Sociality Specification of Type 2 Diabet patients. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2006; 13 (2) :20-30
URL: http://nmj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1004-en.html
Abstract:   (23701 Views)

Introduction & Objective:   Deit modification is one of the most important elements in the therepeutic plan of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this investigation is survey   relationship between effect of diet  education with individuality and sociality  Specification of  Diabet type 2  Patients. 

Materials & Methods:  This research is a clinical trial. Samples  of the study  were  diabet type 2 patients  that had  consulted  to health  and remedy  centere  for  evaluation  of their  condition. 

Samples  were  choosen  by random.  Two  samples  Of F. B.S. were controled during a week befor  performance  Of educational   programme. Then  eductional   programme  carry out for the  patients  by use  of portrait , question and reply , and lecture .

After  educational  programme ,  again two  sample of  F. B. S.  were  controled  in a week.

Difference  average  , befor and after  education , as certained  as  effect  of diet  deucation.

Instruments of gathering information were questionnaire ,interview and laboratry results. Qustionar ,include demographic information and patients laboratory papear of FBS.

Then  relationship  between  specification  of  individuality  and sociality  patients  that  were   studied  by use  of  PEARSON   ,  T- Test and ANOVA were  evaluted   with  the  effect  of diet   education.

Results:The findings indicated that the majority of patients were female(73.7%),house wives(71%)and in the range of 50 to 59 years.majority patients BMI(44.7%) over wight and majority (34.2%)used other source information.majority individual (23.7%) have lenth of illness between 10-14 year.

In the end of  research  there  was no meaningful  relationship between  diet  education  and significance   of individual and social.

Conclusion: With attention of   result  of the table  appearance  this research , the most  important  finding ,   indicate  little  effect of diet  education  on the  patients  with the high  length  of 

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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Nursing
Accepted: 2016/02/14 | Published: 2016/02/14

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