Volume 15, Issue 1 (0-0)                   Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 0, 15(1): 38-48 | Back to browse issues page

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S.M. Afzalei, M.Sc., Sh. Etemadifar, M.Sc., Y. Aslani, M.Sc., A. Hasan Pour, M.Sc., Z. Keirani , B.Sc.. Assessment of Psychosomatic Health status in Elderly Population That Coverage by Shahre - Kord Behzisty Center. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 0; 15 (1) :38-48
URL: http://nmj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1031-en.html
Abstract:   (22301 Views)

Introduction& Objective : World population get,s rise to aging and causes new problems and so analysis of its is important . it has been stimated in our country%6/6 of whole population was elderly.in chahar mahal& bakhtiary based on helth center reports %6/4 of whole  population was over 60 years old in 1382. Assessment of elderly diseases are helpful and necessary for treatment &educational planning in future.thus researchers intend determind the somatic& psychologic status of elderly that covered by behzisty health center of shahre-kord.

Materials & Methods: This research is a cross-sectional descriptive study and population of study is whole elderly that covered by behzisty. Sampling is easy  and enclode 101persons of elderly that followed for three months as September until December 2005. tool for data  gathering was four-sections questionnaire that first section was demographic status of elderly,second section was somatic diseases of elderly,third section was elderly,s psychological status and fourth section was poisoning and accidental status.data inserted to PC and analysis by descriptive statistical test and SPSS.

Results: Sex of samples were (%74/3) female and (%25/7)male. Marital status was (%45/5) couple, (%31/7) single and (%18/8) widow. Educational of samples were (%97) elementary, (%2)senior and (%1) high school diploma.Housing status of samples were (%26/7) personal house, (%4) rental, (%69/3) covered by behzisty of shahre-kord.job status of samples were  (%63/4) was clients of behzisty, (%32/7) unemployed , (%2) retired, and (%2) employed. Month,s income of samples were (%63/4) under one-million rials, (%29/7) between one-million to one million and five-hundred rials, (%5) between one million and five-hundred to two million rials, (%2) above two-million rials. Medical status of samples were (%21/8) normal, (%23/8) suffered heart disease, (%13/9) suffered muscleoskeletal disease., (%13/9)had disability and (%11/9)suffered nervous disease.mental status of samples showed (%47/5) normal , (%26/7)had depression, (%12/9)had anxiety&stress, (%9/8)had personality disorder and (%3)suffered PTSD.poisoning and accident status showed (%68/3)had no accident, (%9/9)had accident problem , (%10/9)fallsdown and (%1)had burns.poisoning status showed  (%99)had no poisoning and1(%1)had drug poisoning.

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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Nursing
Published: 1999/12/15

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