Volume 24, Issue 3 (10-2016)                   Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2016, 24(3): 174-183 | Back to browse issues page

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amini R, rajabi M, Omidi A, Soltanian A, Esmaili M M. The effect of health-related lifestyle self-management intervention on health promotion behaviors in patients with ischemic heart disease. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery Care 2016; 24 (3) :174-183
URL: http://nmj.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1467-en.html
1- Hamadan University and Medical Sciences
2- Hamadan University and Medical Sciences , aomidi1393@gmail.com
Abstract:   (10355 Views)

Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death and disability. Prevention and management programs of diseases have basic role in the control of these diseases. This study aimed to determine the effect of health-related lifestyle self-management intervention on health promotion behaviors in patients with ischemic heart disease.

Methods: The clinical trial was performed on 92 patients with accessible sampling. Data were collected via demographic and health promotion behaviors questionnaires. Intervention group received self-management lifestyle program and the control group regular training. Data analysis was done by descriptive and analytic statistics using SPSS software version 16.

Results: The majority of people in both groups was male and had Diploma. The most of them were married and had a mean age of 49 years. Men Participants were self-employed and women were housewives. Results showes significant statistically difference between mean scores of health promotion behaviors in both groups (P <0/05), but after the intervention in four areas of health responsibility, physical activity, interpersonal relation and nutrition a significant difference was observed (p= /0001). Results also showed a significant difference (p= /0001) in both groups in all aspects except the ​​stress management (p=0/067) before and after intervention.

Conclusion: The results showed that the program was effective on health promotion behaviors in patients with heart disease and appropriate intervention strategies can be utilized to improve the health of patients.

Persian Full-Text [PDF 220 kb]   (4314 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Systematic Review | Subject: Nursing
Received: 2016/01/2 | Accepted: 2016/05/11 | Published: 2016/09/28

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